So I have been on Fiverr for about three months now. Total sales to date: $16. Is it worth it? How much time and effort have I put in? Do you need a following for people to find your gigs? I'll break down my experience selling my social media and artist services.
What is Fiverr?
Fiverr is a site for freelancers & those looking to hire freelancers. You can set up 'gigs' based on your skills & what types of services you want to offer. Potential clients can search through thousands of services, so it's best to do some research on competition before hand. All payment is handled through Fiverr so I always feel like I'm covered. They do take a cut of your earnings, but I'll get to that later.
I started in August with a small following on Instagram & about 15k monthly views on Pinterest. My two main forms of promotion, although much more engagement on Pinterest.
Initially, it was a lot of work. I didn't have much of a portfolio at this point, so I was building my it with mock up projects. Creating content took up the most of my time, but it was time well spent. Practicing & freelancing with clients through Instagram, gave me the confidence to work my first Fiverr gig.
That first gig came in October; six Pinterest Pin Templates for $15, plus a $5 tip from the client, but with Fiverr's fee it came out to $16. Before October I was getting a couple views and clicks here & there, some questionable messages, but nothing major. Until my first order came in, then views for my Pinterest Pin Template gig blew up. Nothing huge, but from 30ish views to over 900. Which also leads to more people actually clicking on you.
So is it worth it? I spent about an hour of work actually designing, with a couple days of communication. For just an hour with the fee, I wouldn't say it is. Unless you have a following or are promoting your gigs enough, there just might be too much competition.
There are 45,817 services available on Fiverr when you search 'social media templates'. 1,358 services available for 'pinterest pin templates'. Niching down can help your chances of being found. Aesthetic & eye catching photos will also help. The main way I have found to getting on the first page is getting your first order.
I'm going to stick with it, I love to work with clients when I get the change & this is a way for me to do that. I'm still freelancing outside of Fiverr, but it's nice to always have that option.
Try Fiverr for yourself, sign up below
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